Hi Guys!
Welcome to my brand new blog ‘FOR DADDY'S GIRLS ’!
This was something God placed in my heart to establish as a way to not only minister to others but also minister to myself!
I would love for this to be as informal and relatable as possible! This is the place where I’ll be sharing my experiences as I continue my walk with Christ, as well as the lessons, wisdom and discovery I’ll obtain along the way!
I’ll also do my best to keep you up to date with all the latest events, books, songs, poems and messages that bless me from day to day, but if you have any topic you wish for me to discuss, or anything you’ve read, seen, thought of or heard that has helped you, that you would like me to share with others feel free to send a message to my 'Contact Me' page

So, I have this habit of googling “bibles verses on ‘x’ ” when I want to Geducate (Godly education) myself on how to deal with or further understand a current situation I may be facing. Since the middle of July no matter how many times I read the word somehow I was always landing at or being led to the book of Proverbs.
Hence, I decided to make the month of August ‘The Proverbs Challenge’ in which I would read a chapter a day to end at Proverbs 31 on August 31st and journal everything I learn along the way. I’m currently on Chapter 4 and already I can honestly say I have gained such a deeper understanding of how much wisdom God has placed within our reach; its just up to us to take it and apply it so that’s exactly what I’m now ensuring that I do!
Furthermore, everything I had read so far tied in perfectly with a sermon I heard this Sunday from Pastor TD Jakes at Ruach City Church here in the UK entitled ‘Its Bigger than you Boat’
The main message I received from the sermon was that the purpose God has placed you on this earth to fulfill and the blessing it will bring forth in your life (It), is far bigger than any setbacks, doubts, fears, negativity, or situations that you may feel currently engulfed in or trapped by (Your Boat). Referring to the story of Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33) the sermon emphasized that by Christ walking on water himself he was already showing the disciples the supernatural power of God and furthermore since we have been made in his image the Holy Spirit within us provides us with all the wisdom we need to conquer anything and everything the world throws our way no matter how long or short the struggle may have been.
Ultimately so far I have really been encouraged by the fact that God has placed soo much wisdom within our grasp, so our greatest struggle wont be conquering the problem because he’s covered that for us, but simply asking for, studying, listening to and obeying his will.
‘I instruct you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths.’
- Proverbs 4:11
Be encouraged! x
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