For the longest time God had been placing a vision on my heart about the purpose behind me blogging, how it should expand, and the direction I should go in next.
While my blog was initially aimed at women, it has become increasingly apparent that God isn't just using me to touch women, and certain elements of what I share aim but men too. There is a new season approaching and I believe that God is trying to use me sharing my story through my personal experiences, my talents and overcoming setbacks and downfalls, to take me to new and bigger heights and reach a larger audience of people.

Accepting this vision means that its time for a REBRAND- therefore I will relaunching my blog into a website under a new, more personalised name! This new platform will be a place where I not only share my highs, but also my lows and the steps I am taking to overcome them. It will be a place for me to share and explore my gifts more and use my experiences to encourage and inspire others through photos, sharing friends achievements and testimonies, and who knows, maybe even videos!
I don't just want to give generic or cliche advice without sharing how to actually implement these things into your life, so I want to keep things real, practical and personal so we can make actual daily changes to our lives for the better.
Taking this step will force me to have to search myself and make lifestyle choices that will lead me to become a better woman. Even in these early stages I can see that it won't always be easy or comfortable. But, I am ready for the challenge and eager to see myself being moulded more and more into the woman God intended me to be.
CHECK OUT MY NEW WEBSITE NOW: http://www.izzyzacca.com/