It was as I asked myself that question that I remembered Proverbs 23:7, “As he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” I realised that I was not only playing down my gifts and dreams but had accepted the limits this world had put on them, by allowing comparison, finances, fear and self doubt to prevent me from pushing myself to fulfilling the desires God had placed in my heart. I had become my own worst enemy by limiting what He wanted to do through my life. In the midst of praying about this issue, Proverbs 23:7 once again cropped up in my mind and I realised that in order to take all these limits off and start living with the boldness of Christ within me, I would have to permanently change my mindset and outlook on life. I realised I needed to start seeing myself the way God sees me. I had to remind myself that I am made in the image and likeness of a beautiful, perfect and LIMITLESS God (Genesis 1:27) meaning I too possess all those attributes.
Growing up in church we were constantly told ‘there is nothing too hard for my God’ but I've only now fully grasped what that meant.
Luke 1:37 reiterated this to me recently- ‘For with God nothing is ever impossible and no word from God shall be without power or impossible of fulfillment.’

literally convicted me and metaphorically knocked me out of my seat and I finally
understand that all these life goals I had deemed too difficult to fulfil were never
impossible of fulfilment! This was later confirmed whilst I was reading
Ephesians 3, where I stumbled on the lyrics to one of my favourite songs ‘God is able to do [carry out His purpose] exceedingly,
abundantly above all that we ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest
prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams] according
to his power that is at work
within us. (Eph 3:20 Amplified Bible)
Having read this I not only felt guilty for doubting God but even more so because he said he can not only fulfil everything I ask of him but will even exceed my greatest expectations!
Ok, so I had dealt with changing my mentality, but I still needed to figure out how to apply this new found knowledge to my daily life. In seeking God for guidance in this area I was able to device a 6 step plan…
Having read this I not only felt guilty for doubting God but even more so because he said he can not only fulfil everything I ask of him but will even exceed my greatest expectations!
Ok, so I had dealt with changing my mentality, but I still needed to figure out how to apply this new found knowledge to my daily life. In seeking God for guidance in this area I was able to device a 6 step plan…
- Matthew 7:7- ‘Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will
find; knock and the door will be opened to you’
- Matthew 6:33- ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom
of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added onto you’
- There is no point basking in fear and
uncertainty if you do not actually dedicate time to seeking Gods direction and
asking questions regarding his plans for your life. Though, having said that
you must be mindful that Gods plan may not always be in alignment with the
plans you had for yourself but his plans will ALWAYS be better!
- Psalm 147:5 ‘Our Lord is great and very
powerful, there is NO LIMIT to what he knows’ He knows your beginning and your end
so rather than spending so much time worrying about what your future holds, why
not just ask the person who holds your future?
- Jeremiah 29:11- ‘For I know the plans I have for
you,” declares the Lord,
“plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a

- Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I formed you the womb I knew you’.
You were not a mistake or random occurrence on this earth that just so happens to have a heap of talent. Every thing about your existence is purposeful and predestined. The trials, journeys, gifts and instructions, as well as the timing of these things, is different for every individual. God promises us His best, but that doesn't mean His blessings are the same for every person.
- Spending time in envy, frustration or jealousy at your neighbour is taking away from time you could be spending developing your gifts and walking in your own calling. And if you don’t yet know what that calling is, that’s all the more reason to go back to step 1 and ask and seek God for direction.
- Jeremiah 1:5 – Before I formed you the womb I knew you’.
You were not a mistake or random occurrence on this earth that just so happens to have a heap of talent. Every thing about your existence is purposeful and predestined. The trials, journeys, gifts and instructions, as well as the timing of these things, is different for every individual. God promises us His best, but that doesn't mean His blessings are the same for every person.
- Spending time in envy, frustration or jealousy at your neighbour is taking away from time you could be spending developing your gifts and walking in your own calling. And if you don’t yet know what that calling is, that’s all the more reason to go back to step 1 and ask and seek God for direction.
have been asking God for an answer. I've asked over and over but I still
haven’t heard anything. I get no results."
It is often in moments of feeling like
this that we begin to loose hope or will be continually praying yet not even
truly believing that God will answer our requests (by the way God sees that
‘If you don’t have God’s love and faith and if you aren’t building yourself up, you will limit or even stop the power of God flowing through you.’ You need to be patient and trust in Gods timing and know that even if its hard to wait and be uncertain, the result will be greater than any outcome you had imagined for yourself.!
‘If you don’t have God’s love and faith and if you aren’t building yourself up, you will limit or even stop the power of God flowing through you.’ You need to be patient and trust in Gods timing and know that even if its hard to wait and be uncertain, the result will be greater than any outcome you had imagined for yourself.!
Phillipians 4:13 – ‘I can do
all things through Christ who strengthens me’
Phillipians 4:19- ‘My God will
supply All my needs according to his riches and glory’- both of which are
1 Corinthians 13:8 – Love never
God is love therefore..He never fails and since we are made in his image...We will never fail!
God is love therefore..He never fails and since we are made in his image...We will never fail!
If he throws you in the deep
end outside of your comfort zone, trust that what he is capable to do through
you will always be beyond your own ability and talent. Once you allow the
limitless power of the Holy Spirit to order your steps and live within you, expect the unexpected!
Trust and have faith in the power of His word!
Trust and have faith in the power of His word!
- Don’t get complacent in your crafts or desires. If you know the God in whose image you were made is limitless, that means no matter how long you develop your dreams they will infinitely become better and more amazing!
Remember the Parable of the Talents (Matthew 25:14-30)
Invest and develop all the talents you have been blessed with and who knows how incredible they will become!
-Deuteronomy 28:13 ‘And the Lord shall make you the head, and not the tail; and you shall be above only, and you shall not be beneath, if you obey the commandments of the Lord that I am giving you today day and are watchful to do them’
Be obedient to his instruction and allow him to elevate you! Don’t rush your blessings to come prematurely otherwise you wont receive them in their fullness
Know that he wants and has predestined the best for you so once you know what he has called you to do go out with a boldness and make those dreams your reality!
Luke 1:37 ‘For
Be Blessed!
Iz x
Iz x